Etcetera said: I don't think sounds of different languages can be exactly the same, but they can be very, very close.
As for the sound of European Portuguese, it seems to be different. According to the chart here, it's a near-back vowel, not a central vowel. It's an unrounded version of the English "oo" in "hook". The barred-i is often used to transcribe it because it has no standard symbol in IPA.
Achieving this kind of speed, though, takes some knowledge of the tools my computer offers. I’ll apply that knowledge to the letters in the title of this blog post.
– ˸ëÿ, – ñêàçàë ÿ, – ýòî íåõîðîøî – îáìàíûâàòü ðîäèòåëåé. ˸ëÿ çàñìåÿëàñü è ïîøëà äîìîé. À ÿ â ãðóñòíîì íàñòðîåíèè ïîø¸ë â ãîðîäñêîé ñàä, ñåë òàì íà ñêàìåéêó è, ðàçâåðíóâ äíåâíèê, ñ óæàñîì ñìîòðåë íà åäèíèöó. ß äîëãî ñèäåë â ñàäó. Ïîòîì ïîø¸ë äîìîé. Íî êîãäà ïîäõîäèë ê äîìó, âäðóã âñïîìíèë, ÷òî îñòàâèë äíåâíèê íà ñêàìåéêå. ß ïîáåæàë íàçàä, íî äíåâíèêà íà ñêàìåéêå íå áûëî. ß ñíà÷àëà èñïóãàëñÿ, à ïîòîì îáðàäîâàëñÿ, ÷òî òåïåðü íåò äíåâíèêà ñ åäèíèöåé. Íà äðóãîé äåíü ó÷èòåëü, óçíàâ, ÷òî ÿ ïîòåðÿë äíåâíèê, âûäàë ìíå íîâûé. ß îòêðûë åãî. Òàì îïÿòü ñòîÿëà æèðíàÿ åäèíèöà. È òîãäà ÿ òàê ðàññåðäèëñÿ, ÷òî áðîñèë ýòîò äíåâíèê çà êíèæíûé øêàô, êîòîðûé ñòîÿë ó íàñ â êëàññå. Ïðîøëî äâà äíÿ. Ó÷èòåëü, óçíàâ, ÷òî ó ìåíÿ íåò è ýòîãî äíåâíèêà, çàïîëíèë íîâûé. È, êðîìå åäèíèöû ïî ðóññêîìó ÿçûêó, îí òàì âûâåë ìíå äâîéêó ïî ïîâåäåíèþ. Êîãäà ÿ âñòðåòèëñÿ ñ ˸ëåé ïîñëå óðîêîâ, îíà ìíå ñêàçàëà: – Ýòî íå áóäåò âðàíü¸, åñëè ìû âðåìåííî çàêëåèì ñòðàíèöó. ×åðåç íåäåëþ ïîñëå òâîåãî äíÿ ðîæäåíèÿ, êîãäà òû ïîëó÷èøü ôîòîàïïàðàò, ìû îòêëåèì å¸ è ïîêàæåì ïàïå, ÷òî òàì áûëî. Ìû ñ ˸ëåé çàêëåèëè ñòðàíèöû, Ïàìÿòíèêè íà ìîãèëó ÑÂÎ â Ìîñêâå è ïàïà íè÷åãî íå çàìåòèë, êîãäà ñòàë ñìîòðåòü äíåâíèê.
как и Он умер всегда первую неделю болезни. ? В в возмещение разница между Спасибо вдобавок Благодарю тебя ? В чем разница между в равным образом во ? Предыдущий задача/ Следующий задача
Thank you Outsider! You're links were very useful, and they confirmed my previous knowledge. What I'm actually asking here is whether Romanian and Russian share (given the conditions I outlined above) this sound.
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